That said, allow me to implore you to consider joining us in Orlando next month - September 17th and 18th to be exact - at AFSMI's annual World Conference. It'll be the first in the long-running series since AFSMI joined forces with three other services associations (SSPA, TPSA, and ESCA). So this won't be your father's or grandfather's AFSMI.
One reason you might consider attending is I will be giving a presentation on the 17th called Leveraging “Smart Services” to Drive Product and Service Sales, which will feature best practices for packaging, selling, and marketing Smart Service-enabled product support capabilities.

Still not convinced? On Monday evening, September 17th, we will be hosting an exclusive dinner and rock-and-roll memorabilia tour in The John Lennon Room at The Hard Rock Café, Universal Studios. The room actually replicates John Lennon's Manhattan apartment. Plus, a guy with "Rock Dude" on his business card (seriously, I've met him) will be on hand to provide colorfully narrated tours of the Hard Rock's treasure trove of musical mementos.
Please don't mistake this for a shameless promotional pitch, but space is limited. We really can only accommodate 25 guests. Just picture John Lennon cramming that many people into his apartment! Even if you can't make it to the AFSMI event, come out for a truly one-of-a-kind exclusive experience at the Hard Rock. Reserve your spot on the guest list by replying to this evite. Hope to see you there!